Saturday, January 25, 2014


If you had to pick one word to describe how you would want to your life to be remembered, what would it be? What virtue would you want to be known for?

Honest. To be honest is more than merely telling the truth, it is an inherent look into that which makes us, us. It is a deeper understanding  and willingness to accept those things in life that we may not wish to have to handle. It is the ability to see clearly our fallacies as well as our victories and be able to portray utter transparencies.

This honesty is how I wish to be remembered. I wish to be revered as one who strove for honesty above all else. Honesty with my word, my deed, but honesty mostly with myself. I would like to be able to leave the world knowing that I would allow myself always to see clearly the motives I had for any given action or reaction. I would like to believe that I was able to remain "true" to myself regardless of the daggers life had thrown at me and regardless the fear of what another may think of me. I would like to leave a legacy behind to my children and children's children that a life worth living is one that is lived with utmost honest valor.

Courage. In order to truly be honest it takes a measure of courage that seems to be lost in todays society. Courage is a virtue that I feel many people, including myself is in lack of. We as a nation and era are so afraid to offend one another that honesty in its rawest sense has gotten lost. The courage to speak up and speak out has been pushed away in favor of public opinion. To be trapped in the fear that you may upset the herd is prison in and of itself. The courage to be able to say and love who we are as individuals is caged and locked tight out of fear of our fellow man and said public opinion. When one is able to gain such a measure of courage, no matter how small, then the daunting splendor of honesty is allowed to flow freely. I believe honest is based on following a belief structure and remaining faithful to it- regardless of how much and how many times that structure may change. Remaining true to oneself as it were, to ones beliefs, to ones values and morale, to ones interests and passions, and ultimately to the liberation of ones inhibitions.

Ramblings and mumblings... Simply state; to live a life worth living is to live a life with the courage to be honest and to remain true to oneself above all else. To be remembered as such is greatness.

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